At Hope and Healing, we understand that mental health is directly affected by physical health. We have found the ability to provide space for movement and mind/body connection within our very own facility to be an invaluable resource to our clients and community members.

For these services, we have to thank our partners,

Kelley Sidorowicz of Evolve Yoga and Wellness and Linda Shaeffer of Align Christ Centered Yoga.

 Hope and Healing's partnerships with local yoga practitioners make classes available in the convenient location of Leonardtown, and give our community members an opportunity to explore wellness modalities that supplement their mental health treatment.

Interested in trying a new class? Click the links below to check out our schedule! 



Evolve Yoga and Wellness of Leonardtown, MD welcomes many diverse styles of yoga as well as other mind body modalities. In addition to yoga classes designed for every body and practitioner, we offer Meditation, Pranassage, Reiki and Tai Chi. We truly believe there is a type of yoga or movement for “every body”, regardless of age, shape or flexibility.  In addition to group classes, we offer private sessions with any of our experienced teachers, trainers and wellness practitioners.

Our goal is to create a dynamic and welcoming community in Southern Maryland. Our intention is to promote and enhance health, wellbeing and creativity on all levels.


Are you considering trying yoga for the first time? Are you an experienced practitioner? Or somewhere in-between? Wherever you are in your yoga journey you are welcome here! 

Yoga is a healing practice. ALIGN Christ Centered Yoga incorporates the healing and strengthening poses of yoga with Scripture and prayer. ALIGN classes are trauma-sensitive - Linda adapts each practice to meet the needs of the participants. Some practices are restorative, others are a slow flow. All classes include modifications to help you heal, body, mind, and soul. 


Ready to recommit to a fitness routine after a few months off? Feeling sluggish, or noticing a decline in your balance, mobility, or strength? Are you new to having a fitness routine altogether and wondering where to start?

Jen’s STRENGTH TRAINING classes are the perfect way to start your day feeling strong, and lend a sense of structure to your week!

ALL bodies are welcome, worthy, and honored in our Hope and Healing fitness classes. No previous experience and minimal equipment required. 


Keep up with our current fitness + yoga classes by following us on social media!